5 Awesome Apps By Google You Probably Never Heard Of

5 Awesome Apps By Google You Probably Never Heard Of

5 Awesome Apps By Google You Probably Never Heard Of

5 Awesome Apps By Google You Probably Never Heard Of: Keeping in touch with friends and family is no longer a problem because we now have a smart device which can perform almost everything. We are actually talking about our smartphones, we can make videos, talk or send messages to our friends by using some apps.

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If we talk about Android, the operating system has Google Play Store from where we can download lots of apps. If you are traveling, studying or working out, you will find apps for every purpose on Google Play Store.

Whenever we talk about Google, we think about trust. However, do you know Google also publishes new Android apps on Google Play Store to improve Android experience? Here in this article, we are going to share five awesome Android apps from Google that you probably never heard of.

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5 Awesome Apps By Google You Probably Never Heard Of

1) PhotoScan

Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

Everyone loves to click photos using their phone to share it on the social media platform. PhotoScan from Google is actually a scanner app by which you can scan and save your printed photos using phone’s camera.

This app is especially for those who want to enhance older photos. This app enhances the old photos by making it more awesome.

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2) Wallpapers

Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

Nobody wants to apply a dull wallpaper on their Android. However, there are numerous apps available on Google Play Store that claims to update Wallpaper on the regular interval, but Wallpapers app from Google is best amongst all.

Wallpapers app by Google can update your phone’s wallpaper daily. You can choose from Google Earth and many more categories of Wallpaper.

3) Datally

Datally: data saving app by Google
Datally: data saving app by Google

The Internet is now a mandatory thing. Actually, without internet, we feel really hard to survive. So, the Datally app is a data manager for Android. Through this app, you can monitor, save, and gain control over your mobile or WiFi data.

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4) Files Go

Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

Datally is for managing data usage and Files Go is for managing the storage of your Phone. Files Go is basically a storage manager for Android which let the user free up space on their phone. You can find files faster and can share them with your friends in offline mode using Files Go.

5) Google Primer

Google Primer
Google Primer
Developer: Google Learn Apps
Price: Free

If you want to join the marketing field, you will find Google Primer really useful. Google Primer is an app from Google through which you can learn new marketing skills. This app provides some activities which help users to learn concepts quickly.

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These are the 5 awesome Android apps you probably never heard of. Hope this article helped you share it as much as possible.

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