Bill Gates Plans To Reinvent The Toilet: If you are reading this article, you must admit that you got lots of independence in your life. There are several regions there’s still no internet and lives are difficult in those regions.
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Bill Gates recently talked about an extremely helpful issue that could help save many lives in regions of extreme poverty. According to the US Centers for Disease Control, approximately 88% of deaths are from diarrheal diseases which cause because of lack of clean water and adequate hygiene and sanitation.
There are regions where there is very little water and the power grid is also limited. Bill Gates has tossed the challenge by investing millions of dollars into cheap initiatives that will replace traditional toilets with an alternative that doesn’t depend on these two elements.
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Bill Gates actually plans to build toilets which doesn’t need water and external electricity. The challenge actually began in 2011 and it’s still progressing. The idea is to use solar energy to decompose the waste to produce hydrogen, which in turn can also be used for power generation.
There were several projects that work on the same system. One of the interesting projects, as noted by Business Insider, has included a vase that burns waste with the help of ultraviolet rays and another that turns feces into organic charcoal which can later be used as fuel or fertilizer.
Some prototypes of independent water toilets are already being tested in India and Africa and one of those projects is the Nanomembrane deprived which already received $710,000 from the foundation maintained by Bill and Melinda Gates.
What do you think about this interesting idea? Share your views with us.