How To Boost Speakers And Increase Sound Quality Of Your Android
How To Boost Speakers And Increase Sound Quality Of Your Android: Today almost everyone holds an Android device. Most of us use our Android smartphone to play games, watching videos, listening music and of course to make and receive calls & SMS.
Everyone loves to hear songs from their Android smartphone. However, nowadays Android smartphone have very low-quality sound speakers which makes it difficult to hear in public places. Increasing the sound of your Android device is one of the popular search queries in Google.
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Table of Contents
How To Boost Speakers And Increase Sound Quality Of Your Android
There are many users who are trying different methods to increase the sound of their Android devices. Therefore, in this article, we have decided to list out few methods that will help you to boost speakers and increase the sound of your Android device.
1) Music Volume EQ+
This app works on the non-rooted device and can increase the sound quality of your Android speakers. This app comes with 5 band Equalizer which will definitely increase your sound in mobile.
You need to install this app and then configure it with the Music Volume EQ widget which will appear on the home screen.
2) Using A Paper Cup
You can increase the sound of your Android by placing it in the paper cup. Any paper cup like coffee cup will do the work for you. Not only Android, this method also works with iPhones too.
3) Viper4Android
This app needs a rooted Android smartphone to run. Just install the app and grant the permissions. The app will install audio libraries and drivers on your Android & will boost the speaker volume in no time.
4) Using Ainur NERO Zip File
This again needs a rooted Android smartphone to run. With this app, you will notice a significant increase in audio quality. To install Ainur NERO Zip file on your Android visit our article How To Increase Audio Quality On Any Android Device to know the tutorial.
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With these apps, you can boost your Android speakers and can increase the Audio Quality. Hope it helped you! Share it as much as possible.