How To Block Someone’s Internet Connection Using Notepad
How To Block Someone’s Internet Connection Using Notepad: If you remember previously we have shared many tricks regarding computer notepad. Notepad is the default text editor in Microsoft’s Windows operating system. Considering the fact that Windows is running on a maximum number of the computer nowadays, we are going to explore another trick that will help you block someone’s internet connection.
As we already said, we will use Notepad to block someone’s internet connection. So, this tutorial is going to be very easy. You don’t need to be any computer expert to do this, anyone who has a basic computer knowledge can make full use of this trick.
Related: 5 Super Cool Notepad Tricks, Hacks & Commands You Should Know
Table of Contents
How To Block Someone’s Internet Connection Using Notepad
In short, we will be creating a batch file using notepad which will execute our command that stops internet connection. The entire tutorial will hardly take two minutes. Not only this, the tutorial also includes how you can start the internet connection after blocking.
Here’s how you can block someone’s internet using a simple notepad file:
1) For blocking the Internet Connection
Right click on the desktop and then select New > Text document and then copy and paste the following command below:
@Echo off
Save the file as anyname.bat. For example: blocktheinternet.bat
Now you can copy and paste the batch file in your Pendrive and can run this batch file on anyone’s computer to block the internet connection.
Related: How To Speed Up Your Windows Computer Using Notepad
2) Starting the Internet Connection
Right click on the desktop and then select New > Text document and then copy and paste the following command below:
@Echo off
save the file as ‘anything.bat’. For example: startinternet.bat
Now whenever you will run this patch file, the internet connection of the PC will start again.
Related: How To Increase Your Internet Speed Using Command Prompt
This is how you can block someone’s internet connection using a simple notepad file. If you are feeling any problem at any step then feel free to ask us in the comment box below. We hope you like the article, share it with others also.
How to run patch file?