Jony Ive: Apple iPhone X Took 5 Years To Develop

Jony Ive: Apple iPhone X Took 5 Years To Develop

Jony Ive: Apple iPhone X Took 5 Years To Develop

Jony Ive, the chief designer at the tech giant Apple is a subject worthy of respect for the aesthetic grace that has managed to decode into Apple devices to give them a distinctive touch. However, for years the company had stagnated relative to the appearance of their iPhone until the arrival of the iPhone X.

This turnaround apparently would have been constrained by the market circumstance and the tenth anniversary of the product line but would also represent the beginning of a new stage for the tech giant Apple.

This is shown by Ive’s comments made during an interview with the Japanese site CasaBrutus, where he shared the coincidence of the redesign of the iPhone X but also revealed that the tech giant Apple has some new and bold design ideas on the way.

Before the iPhone X, there was a feeling that individual components called the phone body and screen existed separately. What we always wanted to do was to address the essence of integrating what we consider to be different parts.

Looking at the iPhone X from that perspective, I think it took five years to develop and finally, we were able to do it. Beyond the complacency for the evolution of the design of this terminal Ive did not reveal anything more about the future of the tech giant Apple.

However, it happens that today began to run the rumor that the firm already prepares a flexible OLED screen OLED iPhone. So we can give a clear idea of the tech giant Apple’s aesthetic future.

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