Facebook Pays 10-Year-Old $10,000 For Finding Instagram Security Flaw

The social media giant Facebook paid a bulky amount of $ 10,000 reward to a 10-year-old Finnish boy for finding a security flaw in his Instagram photography application.

Jani, whose last name was not disclosed for privacy reasons, is the youngest recipient to receive a “bugs” reward for finding a security flaw in the social network by the social media giant Facebook, as we all know very well that the social media giant Facebook uses to pay rewards for finding bugs which we basically know by the name of Bug Bounty.

“I wanted to see if the Instagram comment section could withstand malicious code. I could not,” Jani told the Finnish News media. The social media giant Facebook said that the problem was solved in February and the reward was paid in March.

Jani, who is still too young to have an account on Facebook or Instagram, said he learned to code watching YouTube videos and found ways to erase user comments on Instagram accounts.

“I could have erased anyone’s comments, even from Justin Bieber,” he told the paper. Moreover, Jani said he was thinking of a career in data security, but for now, his plans are to buy a new bicycle and a soccer ball with the reward money.

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  1. carl July 8, 2017
  2. Tygofive August 10, 2017

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