How To Shutdown Someone’s Computer Using Notepad: We have previously shared many tricks regarding computer notepad. Notepad is the text editor which comes with Microsoft Windows operating system. Considering the fact that Microsoft Windows is running on a maximum number of computers today, we are going to share another trick that will help you shut down anyone’s computer.
You can call this an annoying trick since it shut downs anyone computer after conveying a message. Users just need to write some code in the notepad and it will be ready to shut down anyone’s computer.
Related: How To Block Someone’s Internet Connection Using Notepad
The tutorial will not harm anyone computer. You can use this trick to play the prank with your buddies. So, lets’ know how to shut down computer using a notepad
How To Shutdown Someone’s Computer Using Notepad
In Short, we will be creating a batch file using notepad which will execute our command and will shut down the computer. The entire tutorial will hardly take few seconds. Here’s how to shut down the computer after conveying a message
Related: How To Speed Up Your Windows Computer Using Notepad
Right click on the desktop and then select New > Text Document and then copy and paste the following command given below:
Now save the file as anyname.bat. For example: takerest.bat
Users can replace the “ITS TIME TO GET SOME REST” and “ERROR! YOU HAVE TO TAKE REST! BYEEEEEE” with their own text.
Now you can copy and paste the batch file in your Pendrive and run this file on anyone’s computer to shut down the computer. But, keep in mind that this may lead to loss as it shuts down the computer forcefully.
This is how you can shut down someone’s computer after conveying a message using a simple notepad file. If you are feeling any problem at any step then feel free to ask us in the comment box below. We hope you like the article, share it with others also.
Is it possible to shutdown pc by sending notepad throu Skye or mail?
i did as the steps say and i uploaded the file on a site and i made someone download it and everytime he tries to open it his anti virus block him and when he ignored his anti virus his windows defender didnt let him open it so what should i tell him to do in this condition ?? and does uploading it on the internet affect its function ?
okay and when he oppenned it it just showed him my message and shutting down his pc didnt take effect 🙁 so it only works through usb flashdrive ?
I followed the steps carefully and when i try to open it and try the prank on my self ( my own pc ) it just shows the msg and the restarting doesnt take place
Hey, I’m still missing my drive yet by using cmd as per your saying.
stays on topic and states valid points. Thank you.