Google’s AI Creates Its Own AI That Is Superior Than The Ones Made By Humans
Google’s AI Creates Its Own AI That Is Superior Than The Ones Made By Humans: Our digital world is advancing at a rapid pace. Google has already announced the next step for the total destruction of the human race. Well, naming the latest breakthrough a total destruction doesn’t seem right. So, you can say a breakthrough in the field of Artificial intelligence.
The latest breakthrough which is named AutoML is actually developed as a solution to the lack of talent in the area of Artificial intelligence programming. However, it’s worth to note that right now there are not many experienced programmers in this arena. That’s why Google team decided to create a machine to do that job.
You will be shocked to know that AutoML is capable of performing thousands of simulations to determine which areas of a code need to be improved, make changes, and continue the process indefinitely or until a certain goal is reached.
This is impressive not only because a machine is doing it, but because what is being generated is better than the human being would be able to do. And all this working for hours and hours without complaining or asking for a raise.
It was the image recognition test which had worked as a proof that the code developed by AutoML is way better than the one created by its developers. Google’s system has achieved a record 82% result in the recognition rare.
Before this, Artificial Intelligence systems were able to reach the rate of just 42%, which already surpassed the 39% score reached by human algorithms. But unfortunately (or fortunately) we’re still a bit far from knowing Skynet from the real world. Google announced AutoML just five months ago, which means the system still needs a lot of maturity in the market.
However, it is really impressive to see what this platform did in such a short time of life. I can not imagine what she’s going to do in a year, five or ten years. I think then we will be faced with a potentially dangerous artificial intelligence.
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